Matthew J Morrison
--Speculative Fiction Author--
horror | fantasy | science fiction
My novella 'The Netherwhere Line', which was nominated for an Australian Shadows Award, appeared in Midnight Echo Issue #14.
It's the story of teenage runaways, ​Jed and Hope, who find themselves on a train where the only way to pay for passage is to surrender their memories to the Conductor.
Can they reach journey’s end before they lose themselves completely?

...she stopped to listen to the thousand tiny voices in a stream...
'The Stain on the Lake'

Matthew is an author of horror, fantasy and science fiction. His short stories have appeared in Midnight Echo, Andromeda Spaceways and Aurealis magazines, as well as the odd small press anthology.
His short story 'The Banksia Boys' won the Australian Shadows Award for Short Fiction for 2017, and he has twice earned an Honourable Mention in the Australian Horror Writers Association's Short Story/Flash Fiction Competition.
He lives is Tasmania with the most understanding family in the world.
He tweets under the handle @acutemattiosis.

...loose parquet tiles clitter under your feet...
'Sins of Meals Past'