Striving for 2019
With another year of creativity opening up before me, I'd love nothing more than to toil away in complete and utter isolation, heedless of how I fare.
But, I understand that it can be healthier to share ones goals in order to achieve some level of accountability for one's work.
So, having posted about my successes and failures for 2018 a few days ago, it only seemed right to blog about my aspirations for 2019.
As I've mentioned before, I prefer to set myself open-ended career milestones, rather than goals with timeframes.

​​So the two milestones currently in my sights are:
Sell a short story to an international market
Sell a short story to a professional market -- i.e. paying more than 6 cents per word
Reaching them in in 2019 would be great, but I figure I'll reach them when I reach them.
Otherwise, I have works-in-progress aplenty to tackle this year.
The ones near the top of my list, and ones I'm hoping to tick off sooner rather than later, are:
Finish a first draft of a horror novelette, set in the English seaside
Self-publish at least one short story
Finish a second draft of my dieselpunk novel -- possibly with a structural edit, if I can afford one
Finish a first draft of one of a raft of partially completed stories -- whichever takes my fancy at the time
Assist with the Tassie Indie Author Book Fair -- scheduled for early May
Plan and draft a short story/novelette -- a fantasy/spy thriller
Keep blogging and newslettering -- once a month -- for my devoted fans, present and future
Submit at least one story a month, if any available
I've put my hand up to judge an Australian Shadows Award this year -- the Paul Haines Award for Long Fiction.

(Having won a Shadows last year, I thought I should give something back to the community.)
So, by my reckoning, several months of my reading year will be given over to the this award -- I'm already receiving submissions.
I am looking forward to this with both excitement and trepidation -- I hope I can do the award justice.
Looking at that list now, I have an ambitious year ahead.
What creative plans do you have for 2019?
Whatever you're attempting -- creating or renewing, epic or modest -- I wish you well.
I personally cannot wait to get stuck in.
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